Edgewater Recovery Center

“Our business website has been developed by Crimson Web Design. Not only have we been extremely pleased with the quality of our business website but also with the abundant services we have received.

Crimson Web Design catered to fit our exact needs and their vision for our design exceeded even our own expectations. The program designer maintained great professionalism while taking extra time to design a web page specifically personalized to our specific ideas, vision and dreams.

As our ideas and business has grown so did the design of our website. Crimson Web Design provided our team with continual efforts to update and maintain our professional vision and in addition provided us with a user friendly web page.

Edgewater Recovery Center would recommend Crimson Web Design to anyone searching to expand their business to the technological age. We are very grateful for the wonderful work they have done and continue to do for us.”

~ John David Elam – Administrator/Owner, Edgewater Recovery Center

Helping New Businesses Succeed

Edgewater provides a caring and successful 30-90 day addiction recovery program for males located in eastern Kentucky. They were referred to Crimson Web Design by a former referral. It is good to know our clients are so happy with our services they recommend us to their colleagues.

We worked with Edgewater since the very beginning. They trusted Crimson Web Design to build an engaging site that would help their clients feel comfortable and inspired to contact them. We not only developed their site in record time but we have continued to assist them in their online marketing efforts. This allowed Edgewater to focus on what it does best, helping people, while we helped them. Teamwork and loyalty is something we are very passionate about at Crimson Web Design. Those, along with expertise, always pay off for all involved.

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